Across the nation lives and businesses are being disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Confronted by this national emergency, building departments across the country are facing a challenging question of whether to shut down or remain open. Fortunately, there is an option that will allow for safe, continued building department operations while ensuring the energy provisions of the code are met. This opportunity is having the building department accept certified RESNET HERS Raters in undertaking required energy code inspections and testing.
This presents an opportunity for HERS Raters to expand their business opportunities as well as assist their community and building industry.
Certified RESNET HERS Raters bring the following qualifications that will assist building departments during this national emergency
• Successfully completed stringent training and certification process following industry-recognized national standards that demonstrate knowledge in the applications of building science.
• Completes air leakage and duct tightness testing in accordance with the ANSI RESNET/International Code Council Standard 380. Standard 380 is recognized in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
• Adheres to strict quality assurance oversight standards set by RESNET